A. Harris Department Store
Adolph Harris was born in Prussia in 1842, and later immigrated to Galveston. He operated businesses with a partner with the last name of Fox (Harris & Fox), his brother Jacob (Harris Brothers/A. Harris & Brother), and later his in-laws (Fellman, Grumbach & Harrs). In 1891, the business became known as A. Harris & Co. until it merged with Sanger Bros. to form Sanger-Harris in the 1960s.
They had several locations in Downtown Dallas, beginning with their initial location on Elm Street at 1108 Elm Street (southwest corner of Elm & Murphy) from 1891-1914, to the Busch Building (now Kirby Building/Kirby Apartments) from 1914-c. 1940, and finally their last location at the southeast corner of Elm & Akard.
A. Harris, 1108 Main (original location)

A. Harris, Busch (Kirby) Building – 1509 Main

A. Harris, East side Akard St. between Elm & Main